Friday, July 6, 2007


I had a blast playing Softball for the woman's Christian league in Bakersfield. I played for Valley Baptist. It was a great experience. We prayed before each game, joining hands with alternating team members and the umpire around the pitcher's mound. I love playing. I recently played in a tournament in Taft. Mitchell and I both played. We played 4 games and our team got 2nd place. I was recruited for another tournament in Paso Robles, so... they must have thought I was good. I do have to admit that I was one of the best girls in the tournament.

Tee-Ball was a blast. I loved coaching. I think the kids learned a lot from me. I love kids and I had patience with them to teach them the fundamentals. They vastly improved from the beginning to the end of the season. I couldn't have asked for a better group of kids, they were ready to have fun, and ready to learn. Mackenzie surprised me by taking my direction. I know it is sometimes hard to have a parent as a coach. I went through that. I enjoyed my dad as a coach... even though he was harder on me then the other girls... but it's because he knew my ability and pushed me. I was a good player because of how he worked with me at home and practices. I want to pass the same on to Mackenzie. Gracie did well for her 1st year in Tee-Ball. She is definately more of a social butterfly... she enjoyed talking to the other team that was on base, or when she was on base... she ended the season hitting really well. I am very proud of Gracie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.